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News: Sharesquare launches content management services to the music industry


ShareSquare formally launches today.

They offer content management services to the music industry, wishing to promote artists. Once the consumer has the right app installed on their smartphone, they can access promotional content, relating to the artist, such as videos and social media links.

At SXSW, over 100 bands and brands used ShareSquare’s private beta to connect festivalgoers with their Web presences. The company held a contest for the festival’s “Most Scanned Band,” which led nearly 2,000 users to scan QR codes spread out across Austin. … ShareSquare says that over “1,300 artists, agencies and brand advertisers” participated in its private beta over the past three months.

ShareSquare offers a free account for you to test out its service with five different QR codes and mobile web apps. A $100 a month Pro account bumps up that number to 10 QR codes and adds features like custom domain support. Larger organizations can opt for the $499 a month enterprise account, which offers 100 QR codes and the ability to earn revenue by serving ads.

Categories: News
  1. April 15, 2011 at 10:15 pm

    are you on linkedin?

    • April 17, 2011 at 10:12 pm

      Yes, I am on linkedin, though not for this blog.

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